STEMM Children's Village Car Fundraiser
With every great challenge come great opportunity!! A major motivation for us to build the STEMM Children’s Village in Tanzania was the fact that few if any orphanages accept children with major medical conditions, especially HIV. Our orphanage is privileged to have assumed the care for 5 special medical needs children. 2 with HIV, 2 with sickle cell anemia and one with severe muscular dystrophy. That blessing plus the reality of our 45 other active orphan children requires frequent trips to seek medical care.
Our only STEMM vehicle is dying a slow painful death and is no longer reliable. Rural Tanzanian roads are incredibly rough and the lifespan of vehicles are greatly shortened. A breakdown on African back roads at night is terrifying. We rely on our one current vehicle to serve all the needs of our 50 orphan children, our administrative staff and our farms agricultural needs.
Therefore, STEMM Tanzania is in dire need of reliable transportation! By the grace of God we have been provided a matching grant up to $25,000 to buy these 2 vehicles. Every $ you donate becomes $2 and you can make a dramatic impact in the lives of our orphan kids and our farming endeavor to provide food to our children and those in need in our village.
We will kick off our weeklong “STEMM Orphanage Car” fundraising campaign Monday August 10. Every day that week we will highlight an individual story on the STEMM website and Facebook page. These touching stories will explain why we are in such great need of these cars and where and how your donation will go directly to help.
Please help STEMM save and transform lives in Tanzania!!
Call the STEMM office at 712-258-8282, visit our website and follow our STEMM Facebook to donate.
Thank you and God bless
Dr. Steve Meyer
Founder and President STEMM
How To Donate Online:
Step 1: Click the donate button below.
Step 2: Select $50, $200, $1,500 or enter another amount that you’d like to donate.
This screenshot is just for visual purposes only. To go through the donate process, please click this link.
Step 3: Under Use this donation for, select STEMM Car Matching Fundraiser
This screenshot is just for visual purposes only. To go through the donate process, please click this link.
Step 4: Select Donate with PayPal or Donate with a Debit or Credit Card to submit your payment option. Please submit your address so we can send you a thank you!
Step 5: Click Donate Now to complete your donation.
Step 6: Beam with pride! Know we deeply appreciate your call to support STEMM. As we celebrate your blessing, we will give thanks and continue to serve and transform lives in Tanzania on your behalf. Thank you and God Bless.