Our Village And Orphanage Devastated By Flooding

They often say "when it rains it pours! "How true!

Our mission STEMM needs you like never ever before! Our diminished financial  support due to the economic downturn and our inability to share our mission at events and churches due to the lockdown is obvious.When coronavirus hit Tanzania the schools were closed. Not only are our kids at home but we needed to hire tutors; hence extra food and educational cost.

Now unbelievably our village and orphanage has been devastated by the worst flooding in decades (see video). Our entire village has seen multiple homes washed away, food stocks destroyed and lives devastated. At a time when we had put thousands of $$$ into  our farm, not only have we lost tremendous economic opportunity, but we now have been forced to purchase food for our staff and children which is a tremendous economic hardship.

We have established ourselves as the community resource in times of difficulty and now we have diminishing resources to do so. We need your help in any way possible! Of course pray for us. Even in this challenging economic time consider a donation no matter how small. And if you have any connections to charitable, philanthropic or disaster relief organizations please connect us as we need to do whatever we can to salvage the lives of the people we love in Tanzania.


Thank you, stay safe, and God bless, Steve