Jane Goodall Visits STEMM

Living legend Dr. Jane Goodall graced our orphanage and STEMM campus in Mbuguni this last week. For 55 years Dr. Jane has been at the forefront of conservation and animal welfare. She continues this today traveling almost 300 days a year speaking out on these issues. Her extensive lifetime work at Gombe National Park in Tanzania makes her one of the worlds foremost chimpanzee researchers. She spoke to over 500 local primary and secondary students about the need for ecological awareness and harmony. Her message is that every person has a choice everyday to make the world a better place. That makes a difference!


We are now partnering with Dr. Jane’s Roots and Shoots program in 7 local schools to fight the battle against deforestation in the area and to train youth to be compassionate leaders that will make a difference in their community and the world. Dr. Jane was incredibly charming, engaging, humble and real. Saying she blessed everyone that was with her those 2 days is an understatement. An icon for millions especially for the youth of today she inspires everyone she meets. Thank you Dr. Jane and your amazing staff. Karibu tena STEMM!

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